
JSON Schema Traverse

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This package exports a method that will traverse a JSON-Schema, calling a "mutation" function for each sub schema found. It is useful for building tools to work with JSON Schemas.


  • circular reference detection & handling
  • synchronous - doesn't touch the filesystem or make network requests.
  • easily perform schema mutations while traversing
  • optional mutability (toggle updating original schema object)
  • returns JSONPaths as it traverses

Getting Started

npm install @json-schema-tools/traverse
const traverse = require("@json-schema-tools/traverse").default;
//import traverse from "@json-schema-tools/traverse"

const mySchema = {
title: "baz",
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: {
title: "foo",
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" }
bar: {
title: "bar",
anyOf: [
{ title: "stringerific", type: "string" },
{ title: "numberoo", type: "number" }

traverse(mySchema, (schemaOrSubschema) => {

API Docs


Features Todo


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